Saturday, January 23, 2010

No more base unit container variables

My hunch was correct. Wesnoth developers confirm that all utility variables should be put into a unit's [variables] container. This is fine, but now I can't use debug commands to alter talentpoints and gold like I used to. However, Lua is going to help with that and it isn't going to be as bad as I thought, with the right preparation. In this thread silene details how to set up a Lua function to do the debug manipulation that I want, with the result being really short commands, i.e. modu("Ken_Oh", "talentpoints", 100). That first value is supposed to be an id filter, which bugs me. I'd rather still use the cursor's x,y, which I bet is still possible, so I asked and am waiting for a response on that.

I would, however, perhaps still like it if the native debug modification could be expanded. Consider this: unit variables.inventory.weapon.melee[3].damage=10 . That would be much simpler to work with than making a new function every time I want to alter a variable at a certain depth. If/when I get the know-how, that's one of the things I wouldn't mind adding to Wesnoth myself.

Anyway, so I went through the grueling process of transporting every last instance of unit base container variable functionality to being inside [variables]. I may have still missed a few that have to do with henchmen and temporary statuses, so I'll look for those next time.

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